
Majority of your life is how it is due to luck

So I wanted to copy and paste something here I wrote. Someone was talking about you should be happy to go into debt in school because you should see it as an investment. What I wrote is below: ​ So here is the problem with this statement. He is overlooking the luck factor and increase cost of this type of debt while decrease pay increases and acceptance rates in jobs. So for example, lets assume he did the school thing and when he went for the job. The person hiring didn't like his face. And the same with all other locations. Now what? I personally dealt with this. I have 4 degrees. My first degree is in aerospace. During my last year of that, I was setup with a job at NASA KSC since I was already interning out there working on the rockets. Well man space flight went away,…

So I wanted to copy and paste something here I wrote. Someone was talking about you should be happy to go into debt in school because you should see it as an investment.

What I wrote is below:

So here is the problem with this statement. He is overlooking the luck factor and increase cost of this type of debt while decrease pay increases and acceptance rates in jobs.

So for example, lets assume he did the school thing and when he went for the job. The person hiring didn't like his face. And the same with all other locations. Now what?

I personally dealt with this. I have 4 degrees. My first degree is in aerospace. During my last year of that, I was setup with a job at NASA KSC since I was already interning out there working on the rockets. Well man space flight went away, and my job went away. Because it was during Obama's term where we had a the housing bubble burst and the market was messed up. No air liner was buying new planes, no space stuff was really going on, and space x that said they would hire us never did (they hired 20 prior to saying it, and didn't hire ANYONE else out there. The best job I could get was manufacturing, and I was treated so bad that I was fired 1 week before my plan of running my car as fast as it can go into a tree so my family would get my life insurance. OK, now that I was out and had a moment to figure things out. I went in for a dual degree for general computer and networking (cisco). I had a bunch of certs (CCNP, CCIE, etc). And I was self taught in coding. Well, what ended up happening is my autism burnout started kicking up to some degree due to stress and other factors, and I didn't know it at the time. But masking (which I didn't know that was what I was doing since I been pushed to “act normal” through my life) it went away for the most part. It turned out no one likes the autistic person. Doing research, even excs openly talk about in interviews that they would thought it to be a joke for one of us to work with them. They said this in an interview when it was pushing how companies were trying new hiring styles for us (which turned out to be building marshmallow towers and other bs. And the only reason why many places were pushing this is they new family members that had a hard time or they wanted to make it appear they were doing something.

I applied to a state job where my mom use to work. It was for a network job. When my mom asked, they told her I wasn't being looked at because I didn't mention coding. Then when I did get the interviews they only asked me database admin questions (for a job that in no way mentioned database, stuff I'm not train for, and asking my contact on the inside, I was the only one that got this treatment).

Applying around and I wasn't getting anything better. Because my degree had most of the classes for a cyber security degree I figure I might as well add that to my list. After doing all of this, pushing for me to get a good job, my family life turned to crap in the mix of it. I found right before this, I hit pure autistic burnout and it just got worse. Due to family I ended up getting CPTSD, due to not being able to get/hold down a job I have GAD, and every day I wish it was my last (so I suspect I have depression and other things going on, but all these things I can link to actual what is going on and not a chemical problem). I suspect I won't be around in 10 years.

I stayed off drugs, I don't drink, I didn't have relationships, I honestly didn't have hobbies because I was hyper focus on trying to get a normal life, I followed as much advice as I could and tried to learn from others. And yet, I couldn't make it. Now there might be some things where I could've made some changes. But for the most part, it shouldn't be this hard to just get a “normal” life of $45k-$60k, in a job where you don't look at jumping from a building as an option when you go to/from work, have a chance for a relationship, etc. So my reward for deal with all of that and trying as hard as I can? Well, the best/only real way for me to make money is through selling things on Etsy, YouTube, etc and maybe making $1k or so a year. Trying my hardest even now to make something of nothing (which is all I have). Wishing every second that this pain will end to the point I outload at times say “I want to go home” even when I'm “home (I think it's me saying I will was was unalive). To live in a toxic house and highly depend on family.

So to me this comes down to luck

(NOTE: I can get a relationship. Or at least I think I can assuming my age doesn't stop it. It's just, because poor I don't want to burden someone else. And the one thing I always wanted was my own happy family. I will not even try unless if I have enough money and stability of my own. I lived a life where that wasn't a thing.)

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