
I had my car broken into at my casual status job. They left their parking lot favorable for it to happen. I’m not going back until they threaten to fire me.

So I work in healthcare and one of my jobs is casual status. (For any healthcare folks here it’s basically contingent/prn) With my particular employer I have the liberty to pick up as many or as few open shifts that I want as long as I’m there on the clock atleast once every few months. (Most places don’t even let you go that long so I consider myself lucky in that respect.) I was picking up a lot more in October because I was between full time jobs. (I left a very toxic job in September. I had another one lined up for November.) During October I had someone break into my car while I was working an afternoon shift. Initially I did not hold my employer responsible. (Unless it was an employee there that did it, how could they be responsible?) Since then my feelings have shifted. I am…

So I work in healthcare and one of my jobs is casual status. (For any healthcare folks here it’s basically contingent/prn) With my particular employer I have the liberty to pick up as many or as few open shifts that I want as long as I’m there on the clock atleast once every few months. (Most places don’t even let you go that long so I consider myself lucky in that respect.) I was picking up a lot more in October because I was between full time jobs. (I left a very toxic job in September. I had another one lined up for November.) During October I had someone break into my car while I was working an afternoon shift. Initially I did not hold my employer responsible. (Unless it was an employee there that did it, how could they be responsible?) Since then my feelings have shifted. I am feeling like while they’re probably not the ones who did it, their actions prior made it more favorable to happen. First thing is that the lighting in that parking lot used to be next to nothing. I thought that’s just how it was. Turns out my car was parked under a street light. A street light that had no working bulb in the nearly two years I had been working at this place. It was never working and buried by a tree so I never knew it existed. Yet when I made maintenance aware of what happened so they could clean up the glass (or atleast give me a broom and dustpan), there was suddenly a functional bulb. I know for sure it was out atleast the night it happened because I remember I had to hold my phone flashlight up to the new gaping hole in my car because it was too dark for the cop to get a picture to put in the police report. On top of that, me and a manager went through the security footage and not a single camera was pointing to where my car was. It was in the front of the lot since that’s what was open when I clocked in. It doesn’t even make sense to not have a camera there because you’d think they’d wanna get footage of someone coming in the only entrance to that lot incase if someone came in to do something even worse. What irritates me is that it’s possible that their negligence costed me an entire paycheck in repairs. (Because I have subpar car insurance because that’s all I can afford. Basically I can only afford just enough for me to legally drive it.) I could’ve put off repairs but it was gonna snow soon and I didn’t want my back seat to be a winter wonderland. Now since I’m basically going the next few months without going back, they’re hounding me left and right to pick up. I don’t care you’re short staffed, no one wants to work here because they can’t afford to be in the same predicament that I was in. I feel bad for the residents caught in the cross fire, but I can’t do crap for them when I have to repeatedly take time off for repairs. I’ve tried to address the issue about the cameras (because I went through the lot on my own time to see if the issue was obvious to a random stranger. It was.) I just get told the money isn’t there. I won’t drive my car there anymore but public transit isn’t a viable option, Uber would take anything I make that shift, and not everyone in my life has time to give me a ride. I’m not going back until my few months is up and they threaten to fire me, even then I might tell them to just do it.

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