
Sometime it is better to wait to walk out at right time!

Encouraging ones to walk away from a job they are unhappy with is very common on here. But I have learned if you wait for the right time to do it, you can create massive chaos in the company. ​ I have been with my company for about six years. I start at entry level and eventually moved up to specialist department. In order to get into this department, ones have to be very experienced in few different departments, have excellent review from previous supervisor, and all that jazz. Not a easy spot to fill. I have been in this for about two years. The job itself isn't too bad, but I absolutely loathe one of two managers. She is always talking down to me, writing me up for every reasons she can think of such as not liking the logo on my shirt, my car having cracked windshield, listen…

Encouraging ones to walk away from a job they are unhappy with is very common on here. But I have learned if you wait for the right time to do it, you can create massive chaos in the company.


I have been with my company for about six years. I start at entry level and eventually moved up to specialist department. In order to get into this department, ones have to be very experienced in few different departments, have excellent review from previous supervisor, and all that jazz. Not a easy spot to fill.

I have been in this for about two years. The job itself isn't too bad, but I absolutely loathe one of two managers. She is always talking down to me, writing me up for every reasons she can think of such as not liking the logo on my shirt, my car having cracked windshield, listen to other co worker complaint about me without letting me have any say, and list go on. She even hauled me to front of the CEO a few times just so she can tell him what she think I did wrong. The CEO always take her side no matter what which piss me off! He just refuse to listen to anything I have to say. Unfortunately, at the time I was in no position to quit.

I eventually started to work on my side business which have been growing rapidly and very successful. I was able to quit about 6 months ago, but I didn't… I stick to my company!


Because people fucking talk! I found out both of the managers plan on retire at same time since they have been working together for year and are very close friend. My department have five people (including me) at the time I learned of this news. Over the time, one person have to retire due to his wife's health issue. Next person got moved to other department. Other one was training to take over the management position, but couldn't handle it so she quit just a month or so before the managers were supposed to retire. This left just me and other person. The other co worker declined promotion. I was obviously the last pick but they bit the bullet and let me take over but they make some bullshit excuse about how I can't get a raise because of how many times I was written up. So I was expected to take over as a manager without any raise… I play along…

By beginning of November, both managers have retired and I and the coworker were only one in the department with two trainees who barely know how to do anything! Ever since I started, I barely do anything! I do only barest minimum required, call out frequently, ignore problems and let it stack up, and list goes on. The CEO himself even have to call me in to give me a stern talking a few times.

Yesterday… I walk in and told the CEO I quit. The thing with my department is, if it doesn't function well then it would affect at least other few departments ability to get their job done! The CEO turn pale and start to tell me to not make any hasty decision and that we can work something out. I know he was already plotting to get rid of me as soon as he can… But as of now, he need me! I can see the rage in his eyes but he was trying to pretend to be as nice as possible.

I told him he never stood up for me when he know other manager was picking on me. He tried to tell me he don't like to get involved in other people drama and all that and it was part of the culture and all that. He tried to come up with every possible explanation.

I wasn't having any of it. I finally told him I'm done and walk out.

It took a while to happen, but I'm so happy I was able to do it at the right time and hurt the company badly! As for me… I have been working on side business for a while and now I'm going to put full focus on it πŸ™‚

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