
it’s the WAY i got fired….omg. i just…can’t

On Monday during a ceo meeting that I had to film, and run audio and computers for, my fresh-new manager (new direct-report) came over to see how I was doing with setup. He apologized for not getting back to me with an email about some other stuff because he was busy doing interviews for my old manager’s old job. I have been doing a lot of my old boss’ work as he left in October for a better job elsewhere and this new guy was my temp boss) and I said wait what? I had assumed this whole time that I would hear about a promotion or something because I’ve been doing a great job and picking up the slack since my actual manager left etc etc. And then became kind of upset that no one told me that my old manager’s position was an open position. No. one. told.…

On Monday during a ceo meeting that I had to film, and run audio and computers for, my fresh-new manager (new direct-report) came over to see how I was doing with setup. He apologized for not getting back to me with an email about some other stuff because he was busy doing interviews for my old manager’s old job. I have been doing a lot of my old boss’ work as he left in October for a better job elsewhere and this new guy was my temp boss) and I said wait what?

I had assumed this whole time that I would hear about a promotion or something because I’ve been doing a great job and picking up the slack since my actual manager left etc etc.

And then became kind of upset that no one told me that my old manager’s position was an open position.

No. one. told. me. It’s been up for three weeks. on workday.

I assumed that I would get promoted eventually to that spot because I’m doing everything that that position already has and needs. (I looked at the job postings description and they literally describe what I’m doing everyday, basically)

Well, I was upset. new boss let me vent and said he was safe and understanding. Go ahead, let it out. He probably recorded me with his phone who knows. Idk.

one of the things I said while I was venting was if I had to train someone above me, I would be upset and quit. I asked him ”you wouldn’t want to do that right? Vent vent blah blah” I remained professional but he said I was safe to “let it out “ and he would talk to the VP above him so see about me getting an interview… well at least that’s what he told me. Radio silence the rest of Monday. I did my meeting for the ceo and it was perfectly executed. (the CEO actually likes me because we're both musicians and im a really good one and he's impressed…)

Well, apparently, new boss told his boss, the IT VP, everything I vented about. Vp must have taken it as an actual threat so like “well I guess we accept that as his resignation”

Before I’d even left the house on Tuesday morning, I got a phone call: new boss , that vp and my HR person and they said “effective immediately we accept your resignation please come turn in your stuff.”

I did not resign. I was termed. No warning. No talk. Hell, reprimand me. Put me on notice. Something. Nope. Noose. game over, man…game over…

I got fucked over this morning. For venting my frustrations.

If you, the reader, had to train someone making $20-30k more than you, would you be pissed? I feel like new boss trapped me. Tricked me. Idk. (I’m desperate and paranoid lol)

Anyway. It just sucks. Of All my coworkers that I talked to today that enjoyed my work there were flabbergasted by this. I've done nothing less that exemplary work.

Welp there you have it.


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