
Fire me in a fit of rage? Thank you for the paid leave!

Preface, I work in Europe, so there are actually labour laws here. I joined this company a year ago to work on an interesting project for a renowned client. I was originally hired for the project execution phase, but it got postponed again and again, due to the constant changes and scope creep from client. No problem, until they willing to pay for the extra work. I saw that the execution schedule was insane, the companies were estimating 30 months for completion. I started to ask questions, and eventually in three months I came up with a detailed, very well visualized plan to reduce it to 12-15 months. After their experts checked and confirmed it, it became THE plan, and client started to align all their operations, procurement, hiring strategies around it. OFC no bonus for me at end of year. Client agrees to pay for two FTRs and all…

Preface, I work in Europe, so there are actually labour laws here.

I joined this company a year ago to work on an interesting project for a renowned client. I was originally hired for the project execution phase, but it got postponed again and again, due to the constant changes and scope creep from client.
No problem, until they willing to pay for the extra work.

I saw that the execution schedule was insane, the companies were estimating 30 months for completion. I started to ask questions, and eventually in three months I came up with a detailed, very well visualized plan to reduce it to 12-15 months.

After their experts checked and confirmed it, it became THE plan, and client started to align all their operations, procurement, hiring strategies around it. OFC no bonus for me at end of year. Client agrees to pay for two FTRs and all extra works they are so happy.

Months pass, changes become constant, my overworked underpaid colleague leaves, and I'm now planning too, of course alone for a half year.

After a big milestone, execution is again around the corner and my company hires a part-time to finally help me out. At this time I was already planning my exit, start to talk with other potential employers and client, maybe I'm worth a position.

New big change comes, execution again delayed. Our company owner (who is an abusive workaholic prick) has the great idea that since we have “nothing to do”, give both of us additional work. I protest, but of course greed wins, and our company invoices two FTRs to client, and 1,5 to new client, and raises rates. Big success!

I'm no fan of karoshi, so in 2-3 months both clients complain that they do not get what was promised, which results reprimands for me and colleague.

I turn up dial on job search, and by coffee inform client that I'm leaving my company, but willing to finish the job for them. Client panicks, collects offers from our competitors, and since our prices are now way above market price thanks to my work, procurement policy wins, and our company is fired from project. Client calls new company to hire me. New company acts suprised and says my salary (which client is willing to cover) would cause strain among their employees, and declines. Client is pikachu faced since it was not the verbal agreement.

Our company owner gets into a fit of rage, and starts to berate me, how much money the company will lose because of me. I points out that it was him who doubled prices, and also him that took me off the project. He gets even more enraged and offers severance only if I handover properly, but I choose the disciplinary termination, since it relieves me of work. I hand over everything on the spot, phone, laptop, car keys, I leave like in the american movies – with a paper box.

I call a cab, pick up my gf and open a bottle of wine at home celebrating. Why? Bc I have an offer from a third company with better pay and benefits. Best part is that even with disciplinary termination there is resignation period, which is paid. So now I'm relaxing and catching up on home improvement, since I can not start until the resignation period ends.

And the project? Falls into chaos in a week, since execution actually starts and the key person is not there. Client and new project manager call me for help, but I decline. Client gets contact info for new company. I have told client a half year ago that I'll leave, but they did not prepare for it.

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