
Don’t get invited ever to holiday parties?

I have been working in my current job for about 2ish years now. For some reason, I never got invited to the office holiday parties. With the holidays coming up, I realize that somehow I was never added to some listserv or my manager isn't forwarding the invite to me. I only found out there were holiday parties when another department member asked why I didn't go. I brought it up to my manager the first time around and they said “ok” and after a second time “they said ok and OK”. I stopped after that and just assumed they did not want me to join LOL. Anyone else experienced this? I am a little introverted and would prefer to keep things to myself. I'm not sure if they do not want that in a holiday party. There are other people who were invited who are more socially awkward than…

I have been working in my current job for about 2ish years now. For some reason, I never got invited to the office holiday parties. With the holidays coming up, I realize that somehow I was never added to some listserv or my manager isn't forwarding the invite to me. I only found out there were holiday parties when another department member asked why I didn't go. I brought it up to my manager the first time around and they said “ok” and after a second time “they said ok and OK”. I stopped after that and just assumed they did not want me to join LOL.

Anyone else experienced this? I am a little introverted and would prefer to keep things to myself. I'm not sure if they do not want that in a holiday party. There are other people who were invited who are more socially awkward than me or do not even interact with people at all in the different departments.

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