
boss forcing me to come into work with COVID?

My boyfriend and i live together and he came down with covid from his workplace (janitor at hospital) a few days ago. As i expected, i started to feel not too hot myself just a few hours ago so i took an at home covid test…. it came out positive. I called my boss to notify him and he said he doesn’t believe me as it’s the day before thanksgiving (which he is aware i don’t even celebrate, the reason i was scheduled in the first place on that holiday.) And told me to just wear my mask and come in. (I work at a gas station and am often the only one there, which will be the case tomorrow night.) This means that if i have to use the restroom, which i probably will have to do quite often, i have to lock the door and we get no…

My boyfriend and i live together and he came down with covid from his workplace (janitor at hospital) a few days ago.
As i expected, i started to feel not too hot myself just a few hours ago so i took an at home covid test…. it came out positive.

I called my boss to notify him and he said he doesn’t believe me as it’s the day before thanksgiving (which he is aware i don’t even celebrate, the reason i was scheduled in the first place on that holiday.) And told me to just wear my mask and come in. (I work at a gas station and am often the only one there, which will be the case tomorrow night.)

This means that if i have to use the restroom, which i probably will have to do quite often, i have to lock the door and we get no business for however long im in there.

I plan on telling all customers who ask me if im okay that i have covid and my boss forced me to come in that day, and i have a lot of regulars who know him personally, who will probably be disgusted and outraged that im putting them and their families at risk….and im most definitely gonna spread it to him because he’s going to be there the first few hours of my shift. I think I’ll “forget” my masks too, i haven’t stopped wearing them since the beginning of covid, but what the hell. If im going to be gross i might as well be downright disgusting.

I live in california, and i was wondering if anyone knows if it’s even legal for him to make me come in? I have accrued sick leave and coworkers who could cover me.. i made the mistake of calling instead of texting him for this interaction because he doesn’t respond to texts anyway.

As of now im looking for other work but it’s so hard to get a response these days. Once i find another place though im going to quit with zero notice, hopefully by february when 2 of the 4 other people i work with will be on vacation out of state :3

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