
bosses so incompetent you have to do their job for them

My coworkers and I are running low on a particular form we need to fill out multiple times per shift. The current form is also outdated — it has terms we no longer use. I tell the bosses we need more copies of this form. Days go by. I ask again. Finally we get new copies of the form, but … it is a copy of a copy of a copy. And! The old, outdated terms have been whited out and the new terms have been sloppily handwritten in their places. On every single form. What I mean is: instead of opening up the original document, doing a find and replace, printing a new original, and copying the new original … one of the bosses sat down with a stack of old forms, a pen, and a bottle of whiteout, and whited out the old terms on each form and…

My coworkers and I are running low on a particular form we need to fill out multiple times per shift. The current form is also outdated — it has terms we no longer use.

I tell the bosses we need more copies of this form.

Days go by. I ask again.

Finally we get new copies of the form, but … it is a copy of a copy of a copy. And! The old, outdated terms have been whited out and the new terms have been sloppily handwritten in their places. On every single form.

What I mean is: instead of opening up the original document, doing a find and replace, printing a new original, and copying the new original … one of the bosses sat down with a stack of old forms, a pen, and a bottle of whiteout, and whited out the old terms on each form and handwrote in the new terms on each form.

As if this workplace was pre-computers, pre-photocopiers, pre-printers.

The handwriting is barely legible and the forms (which were already crowded) are almost unusable.

Reluctantly, I sat down at my computer, recreated the form (since I don't have access to the original), used the correct terminology, and sent it to my supervisor for approval before making copies.

FIVE DIFFERENT MANAGERS had to approve my new form, even though it is identical to the old form with the exception of updating the outdated terminology.

Why yes, I am actively looking for a new job! How did you know?!

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