
I got yelled at today

To keep things vague, I made a mistake. This woman (who is not even my supervisor nor coworker, yet is still a higher position) came to yell at me, only me, then proceeded to walk over to others, see them making the same mistake, and not even reprimanding them like she did to me. She pretended like she saw nothing wrong when she went to go check on them. She was very angry with me, and whenever she approaches me, it seems like she is always in a bad mood. However, with others, she speaks calmly. I have done nothing wrong to her, and I am sick of being humiliated but I'm afraid that if I were to stand up for myself, I'd make things worse. I just don't understand why she dislikes me so much as I generally keep to myself and don't talk much. This is the second…

To keep things vague, I made a mistake. This woman (who is not even my supervisor nor coworker, yet is still a higher position) came to yell at me, only me, then proceeded to walk over to others, see them making the same mistake, and not even reprimanding them like she did to me. She pretended like she saw nothing wrong when she went to go check on them.

She was very angry with me, and whenever she approaches me, it seems like she is always in a bad mood. However, with others, she speaks calmly. I have done nothing wrong to her, and I am sick of being humiliated but I'm afraid that if I were to stand up for myself, I'd make things worse. I just don't understand why she dislikes me so much as I generally keep to myself and don't talk much. This is the second time she's screamed at me in front of my coworkers, and it's very embarrassing.

I am 22 years old, fresh out of college, working a job that only requires a high school diploma, and is in a field unrelated to my education. I feel like I don't deserve this kind of treatment, but I cannot find anything else, so I'm essentially stuck there. I feel hopeless.

Has anyone else experienced something similar? I have no idea if this type of behavior is common or not. I dread coming to work in case I see her.

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