
Friend who works an office job just got hit with a PIP. If his “performance” doesn’t improve and he gets fired can he still get unemployment?

The guy I'm talking about is extremely introverted and most of the “issues” are that he doesn't socialize enough, isn't proactive enough and doesn't show enough enthusiasm about work and the brand. Basically, he would have to change his entire personality in a manner of weeks which seems like a big ask that came out of nowhere. He worked at that place for 3 years and even got a promotion a year ago because he was doing good work. From what I understand, employers will usually put an employee on a PIP in hope that they will quit on their own. Is it possible for the employee to get unemployment after the plan's trial period even if he's not considered satisfactory? Or, will he be fired for being considered a “bad employee” and be ineligible for unemployment.? Thanks in advance

The guy I'm talking about is extremely introverted and most of the “issues” are that he doesn't socialize enough, isn't proactive enough and doesn't show enough enthusiasm about work and the brand. Basically, he would have to change his entire personality in a manner of weeks which seems like a big ask that came out of nowhere. He worked at that place for 3 years and even got a promotion a year ago because he was doing good work.

From what I understand, employers will usually put an employee on a PIP in hope that they will quit on their own. Is it possible for the employee to get unemployment after the plan's trial period even if he's not considered satisfactory? Or, will he be fired for being considered a “bad employee” and be ineligible for unemployment.?

Thanks in advance

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