
I hope I get hit by a car on my way to work

I started working for my local government a few months back. I was brought in as part of a changing of the guard since the old director retired and a new one came in with her staff. The director is demanding of course but the first issue was when I was to be transferred to the position above mine, with a small pay raise. One of the supervisors contested and insisted on interviewing for the position. She was then especially cruel to me during the interview and instead hired her friend. I later found out she was not supposed to hire for that position and she took advantage of the deputy director being out sick to promote this girl. The same supervisor then secretly demoted my direct supervisor and took a pay raise that should have belonged to my supervisor. The director did not bat an eye. The same supervisor…

I started working for my local government a few months back. I was brought in as part of a changing of the guard since the old director retired and a new one came in with her staff. The director is demanding of course but the first issue was when I was to be transferred to the position above mine, with a small pay raise. One of the supervisors contested and insisted on interviewing for the position. She was then especially cruel to me during the interview and instead hired her friend. I later found out she was not supposed to hire for that position and she took advantage of the deputy director being out sick to promote this girl.

The same supervisor then secretly demoted my direct supervisor and took a pay raise that should have belonged to my supervisor. The director did not bat an eye. The same supervisor also sent out an email saying she is not the head of several different departments, none of which coincide with her current job title.

The director also expects me and others to serve as waitresses at her personal residence for her parties. I was told that it is an honor apparently.

The office recently planned an office potluck for the holidays WITH permission from one of the supervisors. It was small and informal. I sent out a list with the items everyone agreed to bring. Except I forgot to mention how gracious and generous the director was for allowing us underlings the opportunity to eat. The same day we got a rude email from the supervisors that someone was in violation of casual Friday dress code and that we would now have our shoes inspected for approval. We were also told we were no longer allowed to plan office events. Any office Christmas celebration will be handled by the director so we don't “touch it”.

The director also threw a tantrum because too many people had a birthday during her birth month.

The majority of people in this office are 30-50 and are being belittled, demeaned, and micromanaged. When this director came into power, the majority of the office quit and now I can see why. Seven months later, the majority are job hunting or transferring. The tension is palpable and I feel like I can't laugh without submitting a form for the director's approval.

The sad thing is, I know its probably like this everywhere. Thanks for reading.

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