
Just walked out of a violent, sexist, and openly illegal workplace.

So first time posting here, but I've been working for a landscaping and lawn maintenance employer for the past few months and at first they acted super nice and accepting of people. Talked about how they don't fire anyone and like to give as many learning chances as possible. Sounded great and the owners were even church friends of some family members so my wife and I thought we had a great job. Well a few months later and some issues start occuring. First thing is my wife starts experiencing insane sexism while her entire crew starts talking about how terrible women are and only good for their bodies (that's the highly condensed version) after reporting this to HR (who is run by owners wife) they are given warnings but don't ever stop. Eventually the owner just starts going with them and then it gets really bad. The owner starts…

So first time posting here, but I've been working for a landscaping and lawn maintenance employer for the past few months and at first they acted super nice and accepting of people. Talked about how they don't fire anyone and like to give as many learning chances as possible. Sounded great and the owners were even church friends of some family members so my wife and I thought we had a great job.

Well a few months later and some issues start occuring. First thing is my wife starts experiencing insane sexism while her entire crew starts talking about how terrible women are and only good for their bodies (that's the highly condensed version) after reporting this to HR (who is run by owners wife) they are given warnings but don't ever stop. Eventually the owner just starts going with them and then it gets really bad. The owner starts “accidentally” touching my wife more and more. Starting with a brush with the had as they change the heat in the car all the way to “accidental” shoulder rubs. Also stats following her to the bathroom to “make sure she can find it at the work site”. He also starts making her drive the truck everywhere while belittling her driving and generally talking her down.

Now for some background on this owner he is incredibly violent and angry. He once threw a glass coffee pot at his son's head at work cus he was frustrated. (His son is also a manager) there's even reviews online about how he's broken into customers houses and assaulted them for being late on their bills. He actively and out in the open to his employees will say shit like “I don't care if they fall off the side and break their necks they have to do the job!”

Getting to today's events my wife and I called out the previous day (our 3rd call out since being hired a few months ago the first for food poisoning, second for COVID, and this one for crippling pain and unable to even walk caused by the job) so we get a message from head of HR “Sorry you and (wife) are “out” today. Let's all talk tomorrow. Thx” now obviously the passive aggressive quotes on calling out immediately set us off to how they were viewing us. So as we go in today the HR talks to my wife about how we're in danger of being fired for calling out (literally every person including my manager has called out more or just as much as me in the same time.) So she tells them she'll be filling out applications tonight and goes home. I'm still on site working unaware of this situation when a random pedestrian causes a confrontation at our site and cops are called. I find this to be the last straw as this job is not worth getting in legal trouble for their meager lowest wage in the area pay. So we happen to be at a job site thats right next to my house and wife already has car. So I walk away from manager mid conversation, put my tools in the company truck and just walk away.

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