
Not working as a young Black man f**ks with my head.

As mentioned in the post about me quitting a job in an abusive, toxic environment I am not worried about other job offers. I actually got an interview for an assistant manager position today but won’t get it most likely because of my criminal record. Some will say don’t tell them about the criminal record but I’ve been caught lying on applications before and have been fired for it. I just rather not deal with that again. It seems more and more places are doing background checks and that’s not their fault if past employees did things to cause them needing to. I’m not the person to say F the system or that the odds are stacked against me. Even if they are, I try to remain positive. But getting to the post title I just can’t handle that label of being a bum Black man. Sorry if I’m too…

As mentioned in the post about me quitting a job in an abusive, toxic environment I am not worried about other job offers. I actually got an interview for an assistant manager position today but won’t get it most likely because of my criminal record.

Some will say don’t tell them about the criminal record but I’ve been caught lying on applications before and have been fired for it. I just rather not deal with that again.

It seems more and more places are doing background checks and that’s not their fault if past employees did things to cause them needing to. I’m not the person to say F the system or that the odds are stacked against me. Even if they are, I try to remain positive.

But getting to the post title I just can’t handle that label of being a bum Black man. Sorry if I’m too blunt but that’s my Sagittarius moon and rising.

The truth is that I’ve had a person in the past who didn’t know me but insisted that I wasn’t working even though I was. Mind you, that prick was the only one of us unemployed in the conversation. He was Cuban. He said “Between you and I, we know that you don’t work”.
I remember saying, “Ok”. And I think I was doing laundry specifically for work clothes at the time. This was in a halfway house situation in Miami.

The point is despite my trying to be a productive member of society, it seems from where I’m sitting that society would be expecting me as a Black man to not be productive, even welcoming it in some way. And yet they still want to criticize and ostracize you for not being productive.

I’ve told myself I’m just living in the wrong places and need to seek more progressive environments. I’ve only lived in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida.

I would like to live in the New England area or Great Lakes area. I just want to be out of the South.

In a perfect world I would emmigrate to a bustling city in Africa like Lagos Nigeria or Cape Town.

I sponsor a Rwandan girl through a charity because my worldly experience has made philanthropy my passion. I would like to work adjacent to developing nations and do philanthropy work on the side or in tandem.

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