
Will I get fired

So at work we have a public computer that our whole department shares. My colleague left her account logged in and I stumbled across some messages between her and another colleague who absolutely hates me (I’m also not a fan of hers). Anyways these messages were basically speaking about how I didn’t do anything on my shift and they were discussing that I “need to go”. I’m afraid they are plotting to get me fired and tbh I need this job. I have bills, rent and debt to pay and I really love the company I work for. Also they were discussing how I never do anything, I’m weird, a princess etc etc. but it’s not true, I pull my weight and do my job and i feel completely scapegoated. Will I be in trouble if I report this to the occupational therapist in my company, more importantly will I…

So at work we have a public computer that our whole department shares. My colleague left her account logged in and I stumbled across some messages between her and another colleague who absolutely hates me (I’m also not a fan of hers). Anyways these messages were basically speaking about how I didn’t do anything on my shift and they were discussing that I “need to go”. I’m afraid they are plotting to get me fired and tbh I need this job. I have bills, rent and debt to pay and I really love the company I work for. Also they were discussing how I never do anything, I’m weird, a princess etc etc. but it’s not true, I pull my weight and do my job and i feel completely scapegoated. Will I be in trouble if I report this to the occupational therapist in my company, more importantly will I get in trouble for reading her private messages (which she left open on a public computer)

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