
I need help about what to do with what just happened.

Hello, I just wanted to start by saying this isn't a throwaway account or anything like that, but I am having trouble getting into my original account, so I decided to make a new one anyway. I'm here because an incident at work happened that I personally haven't encountered, and I am pretty upset about it. I started working part time in a store. I work in the bakery section of that store. Now it is required to give two hours notice before calling off, and I was throwing up. I felt terrible, so I called, and the assistant manager answered(Dave). I told him I wouldn't be able to make it in because I'm throwing up and that I can even make it up tomorrow. It's quite hectic being the holidays. He then said, Who is this? Even though I previously stated my name, he then said that every time…

Hello, I just wanted to start by saying this isn't a throwaway account or anything like that, but I am having trouble getting into my original account, so I decided to make a new one anyway. I'm here because an incident at work happened that I personally haven't encountered, and I am pretty upset about it. I started working part time in a store. I work in the bakery section of that store. Now it is required to give two hours notice before calling off, and I was throwing up. I felt terrible, so I called, and the assistant manager answered(Dave). I told him I wouldn't be able to make it in because I'm throwing up and that I can even make it up tomorrow. It's quite hectic being the holidays. He then said, Who is this? Even though I previously stated my name, he then said that every time you're on schedule, you call off and I haven't even met you yet!! I think it's unusual that you've only been here two months and every time you're on the schedule you call off!
I felt pretty annoyed, so I said that's not true. I had only one problem in the beginning because of miscommunication, and I worked a second job, I was put on the schedule even though I had spoken to my manager (the manager in my department in the bakery), and everything was cleared up after that. He then said yes, but I find it unusual that you are always sick. Then he said, When is your next day of work? I said it's Friday and Saturday, 7 to 3, and he said he'll meet me then.

I told him I've met him in passing; he's usually not there on weekends or mornings; I work weekends and nights, but he insinuated I was lying and made it seem like we never met because I call off a lot. Well, anyway, I called the bakery and told them I was coming in anyway, so I did, and well, I threw up all over. I told my manager in the bakery, and she told me to tell Dave, so I asked someone working where what happened, and they said that's terrible and called Dave, so this guy shows up. He's a young guy in his twenties, and his whole attitude changed at first.
I told him look, I have to leave. I'm throwing up, and he said, Oh, I thought you said you weren't coming. Then you changed your mind and he was nice, so then I said I came in because you made it seem like I was lying, and he said no, I didn't, and I said you told me it's suspicious that I keep calling off, and he said he didn't say that. I then apologized and said, Oh, sorry, you said it was usual, but he denied that too! He denied everything he said! Isaid, Why did you say I call off every shift? He was just straight up lying to my face. I couldn't believe he was lying. I mean, he talked shit on the phone, but in person he was being a weasel, so I asked, Why are you lying? Oh, I also told him I thought he was rude, and his reply was, well, of course, I sounded rude. It's the holiday. I asked him, Why are you taking it out on me then? He said he didn't know what I was talking about, and I also brought up the fact that our informal meeting has nothing to do with a call-off, and he said I knew that.
He kept saying he didn't know what I was talking about, and all he said was we didn't meet yet. He was lying through his teeth, and I said I quit, and he said fine, bye. I said have a nice day, and he walked away, saying bye, bye, bye,good bye He then slammed the door when he went in the back room.
So here's my question: should I tell someone hire up on the chain, then him? He's not a store manager, but he's an assistant store manager. I know it's my word against his, but there's no way I'm the only one he spoke to this way too.

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