
How do I write this up?

For background, I manage two staff in a situation where we have high responsibility and little supervision. I did not ask to be manager, I was asked because I was effectively doing the job of a manager in this situation. Last week I brought up a safety issue with one of the staff, who has documented history of hostile behavior toward me, and they responded with arguing escalating toward entering my personal space in an aggressive way without making contact. In our jurisdiction this does fit the definition of assault. My boss, who is aware of ongoing issues, responded by telling me that “we don't consider you to be in any danger” and that I should write her up and if I need to escalate contact the police. I did file a police report, now I need to write them up. How do you write somebody up for assaulting you?

For background, I manage two staff in a situation where we have high responsibility and little supervision. I did not ask to be manager, I was asked because I was effectively doing the job of a manager in this situation. Last week I brought up a safety issue with one of the staff, who has documented history of hostile behavior toward me, and they responded with arguing escalating toward entering my personal space in an aggressive way without making contact. In our jurisdiction this does fit the definition of assault. My boss, who is aware of ongoing issues, responded by telling me that “we don't consider you to be in any danger” and that I should write her up and if I need to escalate contact the police. I did file a police report, now I need to write them up. How do you write somebody up for assaulting you?

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