
Does Texas have Unions?

I was curious if texas has union's? I've noticed since in started in the work force people with my degree are looked down on and treated poorly. Geologist are a specialized scientist responsible for many of the resources we use as a society. I was just curious if Texas had unions and how I could look into joining one. Does my employer have to be unionized or is it an individual thing? Do I just keep getting shafted because I'm just working for poor employers? How do unions help individuals?

I was curious if texas has union's? I've noticed since in started in the work force people with my degree are looked down on and treated poorly. Geologist are a specialized scientist responsible for many of the resources we use as a society. I was just curious if Texas had unions and how I could look into joining one. Does my employer have to be unionized or is it an individual thing? Do I just keep getting shafted because I'm just working for poor employers? How do unions help individuals?

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