
Tried to call off work because I was sick as shit, boss says no to me but yes to worker who “had an assignment pop up”

2 weeks ago I texted my boss at 4ish AM letting him know I was sick as fuck and didn’t get any sleep. He says I can come in an hour or two later then when I was scheduled. I say awesome, and thank him for his understanding. I would have preferred the day off but I was grateful for what I could get. Fast forward to this week, on Monday we had 3 of our employees call out. For reference, we only have 5 staffing the store during our busiest hours and 2-3 during the slower hours. Because of the 3 that called out I was forced to work open to close. I try to be as understanding as I can, but the excuses they had for calling out were ridiculous. The first called out because he was sick, same sickness I had and I believe he actually caught…

2 weeks ago I texted my boss at 4ish AM letting him know I was sick as fuck and didn’t get any sleep. He says I can come in an hour or two later then when I was scheduled. I say awesome, and thank him for his understanding. I would have preferred the day off but I was grateful for what I could get.

Fast forward to this week, on Monday we had 3 of our employees call out. For reference, we only have 5 staffing the store during our busiest hours and 2-3 during the slower hours. Because of the 3 that called out I was forced to work open to close. I try to be as understanding as I can, but the excuses they had for calling out were ridiculous. The first called out because he was sick, same sickness I had and I believe he actually caught it from me because everyone in the store got sick after me. The second called out because he “had a paper pop up.” The third called out and my boss wouldn’t tell me why, but he made it sound very serious. And the way the coworker acted when he did come back in made it seem like someone in his family died so I was very nice to him all week and tried to handle customers so he did not have to.

So I tried to just forget about it and not get upset they were all given time off and I wasn’t. Until today however, when I find out why the third actually called out. He had a breakup the night before his shift. Seriously? You’re going to let employees call off for poor time management in class, and for a breakup when they only dated for a year? Go fuck yourself man.

Quitting in January to grow my current business. I will be getting a security job to bridge the gap but hopefully Ill be fully self employed in a couple years.

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