
America is broken right now. It feels like there’s no hope for a better future no matter how hard you try

I got laid off by a big Fortune 500 company that boasts about having billion-dollar revenues every single quarter. The reason? Unprecedented economic times. Just threw me out, told me to fight to get back into the company and acted like I was some ordinary person off the streets even though I'd been recognized, went above and beyond, worked late nights, worked on weekends, went to forced corporate fun like kickball and stuff like that… But it didn't matter how much effort and time I had put in for the company, it was just here we're going to throw you out on the street and you can fight tooth and nail to try and get back in… So after 2500 applications all with cover letters, hiring a resume writer that had thousands of good reviews, making myself look like an all-around excellent candidate… I got a whopping 10 interviews, five…

I got laid off by a big Fortune 500 company that boasts about having billion-dollar revenues every single quarter. The reason? Unprecedented economic times. Just threw me out, told me to fight to get back into the company and acted like I was some ordinary person off the streets even though I'd been recognized, went above and beyond, worked late nights, worked on weekends, went to forced corporate fun like kickball and stuff like that… But it didn't matter how much effort and time I had put in for the company, it was just here we're going to throw you out on the street and you can fight tooth and nail to try and get back in…

So after 2500 applications all with cover letters, hiring a resume writer that had thousands of good reviews, making myself look like an all-around excellent candidate… I got a whopping 10 interviews, five of them with my old company all of which I was rejected for, and landed a job. This is now been the worst job I have ever worked, my previous company was terrific. But now, I know I have no choice but to stay here as an indentured servant because if I don't work this job that I absolutely hate, I will be on the street homeless. That's the reality that we live in today in America…

Let me say it again for those of you who don't like reading: If you don't want to work A job you don't like, your other option is homelessness. Yes, those are the choices you have right now laid out in front of you. You either spend 80 hours a week applying for jobs senselessly And hope you get one that you hate only a little bit, or you get a job that looks great, and ends up being one of the worst jobs ever but you have to stay there because if you don't stay there, you'll be thrown out onto the street cuz you can't survive even 2 months without an income these days.

And you know what America is doing about it? Nothing, sweeping it under the rug, boasting how unemployment is low, spending hundreds of billions of dollars funding wars in other countries while we have tons more homeless people than ever of every single age group… America is doing literally nothing to make it easier for anyone to find a job, hold down a job, or more importantly, survive in the case of losing their job. This is senseless, and depressing.

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