
Should I apply to other jobs?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this. I just saw my job was posted online 10 days ago, with the same requirements and everything. My supervisor isn’t responsive when I email, or text her for anything. Any interaction we have, has been her praising my work. Nothing has been mentioned to me about my quality of work or anything. They wanted a Spanish speaker for my position but because I speak another language, they were able to bypass the bilingual requirement. Before they hired me, they had the position open for 8 months. 🤷‍️ Should I worry? Should I start looking for other jobs?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this. I just saw my job was posted online 10 days ago, with the same requirements and everything. My supervisor isn’t responsive when I email, or text her for anything. Any interaction we have, has been her praising my work. Nothing has been mentioned to me about my quality of work or anything. They wanted a Spanish speaker for my position but because I speak another language, they were able to bypass the bilingual requirement. Before they hired me, they had the position open for 8 months. 🤷‍️
Should I worry? Should I start looking for other jobs?

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