
Update on my Grievance

So, I got laid off on the 9th. That they told me was it was due to reasons related to my neurological development disability, but also it wasn't (they decided it wasn't related, but told me my exact symptoms when explaining the termination). Anyway, the Union was given a completely different letter using the collective bargaining agreements language that stated I just wasn't a good fit. Now my probation was extended at my request because I wanted more training and the company still failed to provide that training & coaching in the extended probation period. They just kept telling me everything was fine and other then personal stuff that wasn't job related (like wanting me to change my detergent) never indicated beyond demanding I work faster despite me getting everything done within expected timeframes, that something wasn't working or I was doing something wrong. So a week after submitting an…

So, I got laid off on the 9th. That they told me was it was due to reasons related to my neurological development disability, but also it wasn't (they decided it wasn't related, but told me my exact symptoms when explaining the termination).

Anyway, the Union was given a completely different letter using the collective bargaining agreements language that stated I just wasn't a good fit. Now my probation was extended at my request because I wanted more training and the company still failed to provide that training & coaching in the extended probation period. They just kept telling me everything was fine and other then personal stuff that wasn't job related (like wanting me to change my detergent) never indicated beyond demanding I work faster despite me getting everything done within expected timeframes, that something wasn't working or I was doing something wrong.

So a week after submitting an accommodation request because I couldn't work faster as they wanted (and they requested I submit a request with my doctor's signature to release this information), they called me to have a meeting with a union representative present. Which I thought was for the accommodation/action plan to get over the hurdle of me not being able to do the work of 3 people, and relax a bit because I didn't do anything to hinder business, people were just getting mad that they couldn't leave 30mins earlier and complaining (hence I wasn't working fast enough).

The Union, even during probation, requires a 1 week notice at the very least and since I was past 3 months federally I required 2 weeks notice. Neither were given and I wasn't paid in lieu of that notice. Which means if I worked my scheduled hours (which they stupidly had asked I could work extra hours prior and after termination) I would have been well past the union's probation period and they couldn't use the collective bargaining agreement language to skirt around the actual reasons with the union while telling me something completely different and a Human Rights violation at the same time.

Basically what the union told me is due to how they worded everything and how they put me under temporary hire instead of a contractor as it was explained to me during hiring, they only thing they could do was fight for my reinstatement… which because I was treated like shit and disrespected, I don't want, I simply wanted the rest of my hours paid-up with the 2 weeks pay in lieu and never deal with these people again.

The union still wants me to decide to file a grievance even though they basically said the legal language they used in the documents submitted to the, gives me a snowball's chance in hell they will get any results. So since I already need to scan everything to submit to Human Rights, I'll be sending them a copy. The labour board also told me if the Union doesn't get the scheduled hours paid out, to contact them again and we'll go after it outside of the Union since I was still in the union's probation period but past the federally mandatory one.

I only wanted them to pay out the rest of the contract (or rather the scheduled hours that I had for the next 7 months left on the temporary assignment) plus the pay in lieu of notice, I didn't receive. Then let Human Rights fine them for using me until it would take more hoops to terminate before my position ended as agreed upon.

I also apologize if this isn't enough information on the situation. It just becomes a wall of text, and I'm trying to keep the facts. Which are:

  1. Due to my neurological development disorder, I was terminated.

  2. They did it on a whim right before my probation with the union was over, without the 1 week warning or pay in lieu as indicated in the collective bargaining agreement. Nor was I given 2 weeks notice/pay as federally mandated regardless of any union agreements.

  3. They attempted to cover their reasons by lying to the Union about the circumstances involving my firing for it to be justified. I was also not properly trained for certain tasks.

  4. They didn't inform other departments so I'm getting calls to come in, because I was a reliable employee.

  5. They were upset I couldn't do the work of 3, and didn't like that I had doctor's confirmation that they couldn't ask me to do the work of 3.

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