
How common is it to be fired without a warning?

This was a while ago but I got fired for the slightest infraction without a warning at a job – working remotely for a few days when I should’ve been in the office. It really was just a personal vendetta by my manager against me – whatever – anyway point is, I was given a written email warning which I had to “acknowledge” then 2 days later called into her office where she said she “changed her mind” and that I’m being fired and I got a small severance check. If you’re in an at-will state is this common practice ..? (Side note: this company was also operating at a 36 million dollar loss per year. I was doing like 3 people’s jobs at the end due to everyone leaving or being let go)

This was a while ago but I got fired for the slightest infraction without a warning at a job – working remotely for a few days when I should’ve been in the office. It really was just a personal vendetta by my manager against me – whatever – anyway point is, I was given a written email warning which I had to “acknowledge” then 2 days later called into her office where she said she “changed her mind” and that I’m being fired and I got a small severance check. If you’re in an at-will state is this common practice ..? (Side note: this company was also operating at a 36 million dollar loss per year. I was doing like 3 people’s jobs at the end due to everyone leaving or being let go)

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