
What do I make of what my boss said?

I have worked at my job for 3 months. I am 32 f and my boss is 45 f. I work in hospitality. She has been so sweet and everyone loves my boss and I was shocked and disgusted with that she told my mom. Now, I know what my mom did is an outrageous since I am 32 but I couldn’t speak and I came to my mom crying and she wanted to talk to her. I have been really sick, starting last Sunday. I called out on Monday, I work part time, mostly to cover shifts for full time when they are off. There’s other girl who just came back to cover for vacations for the holidays. My boss told me I should have found someone to cover my shift but that she will cover my shift but can’t do it tomorrow. I have been bed ridden, no…

I have worked at my job for 3 months. I am 32 f and my boss is 45 f. I work in hospitality. She has been so sweet and everyone loves my boss and I was shocked and disgusted with that she told my mom. Now, I know what my mom did is an outrageous since I am 32 but I couldn’t speak and I came to my mom crying and she wanted to talk to her.

I have been really sick, starting last Sunday. I called out on Monday, I work part time, mostly to cover shifts for full time when they are off. There’s other girl who just came back to cover for vacations for the holidays. My boss told me I should have found someone to cover my shift but that she will cover my shift but can’t do it tomorrow. I have been bed ridden, no voice, no shape to work the front desk. I switched with someone, to where I would work on thanksgiving, which was my only day off. I thought I would be better by than. Well, I wasn’t…i was crying and worried I would lose my job. She told me if I didn’t find anything to cover Wednesday that I have to show up. I called my mom and can barely talk and I didn’t know what to do. My mom called my boss and said “look, she loves her job and she can’t talk right now, she’s no good to work. She will get your guests sick.” My boss said…”well great, I can’t cook on thanksgiving.” To which my mom paused and was like I get it I have to work that day too, I’m sorry but my daughter is sick. I have a doctors note. I have strep throat. It only excuses me for a day. I told her and she gave me next week off too, which I didn’t ask for but okay. I know she’s doing it to punish me. Someone else got sick and called out and she literally told me that girl was on her shit list and punished her by not putting her on the schedule, so I know that’s what she’s doing, but she told me it was because I should take the time to heal. Lol. I’m going to start looking for another job.

Is she being an asshole boss or is this normal? What would you think?

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