
I’d rather die

Going to try and keep this short but I think I’d rather die. I live in Maine and jobs up here don’t typically keep up with the pace of the rest of the America but for some reason house prices do. Average house here costing 3-400k, average job pays 15-20/hr but the cost of an apartment is like 1500-2500/mo before utilities. And you know what… I’d rather die.. I would rather die than participate in this system and I’m getting rather serious about the idea as the months of getting ghosted by jobs or the insultingly low starting pays of jobs that are being posted and the sheer time they want out of you overtime plus weekends etc no benefits but starting pay is 18-19/hr. I would honestly rather die. Home? Out of the question if you somehow have the money to buy a home here? You’ll be slaving away…

Going to try and keep this short but I think I’d rather die. I live in Maine and jobs up here don’t typically keep up with the pace of the rest of the America but for some reason house prices do. Average house here costing 3-400k, average job pays 15-20/hr but the cost of an apartment is like 1500-2500/mo before utilities. And you know what… I’d rather die.. I would rather die than participate in this system and I’m getting rather serious about the idea as the months of getting ghosted by jobs or the insultingly low starting pays of jobs that are being posted and the sheer time they want out of you overtime plus weekends etc no benefits but starting pay is 18-19/hr. I would honestly rather die. Home? Out of the question if you somehow have the money to buy a home here? You’ll be slaving away for that 2500-3500/mo mortgage. Company’s here acting like 19/hr is a godsend and you should kiss their feet for that. I’d rather die and I’ll tell you what im close! Thinking of waking up over and over having no control of what I do. Only doing so to catch the few moments in between to do what I WANT TO DO. But now any sort of progress that you’d normally look forward towards to keep moving has been ripped away, can’t afford shit anymore. I’d rather die than slave away for this life. And I just might.

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