
Need Advice – Called off for throwing up, got a call 2 hours later asking me to come in

I was horribly sick this morning and for about 4 hours straight I was in and out of the bathroom throwing up, acid reflux, dry heaving, ext. Last time I was sick like this I went into work anyway and ended up having to go to the ER. They never found what was wrong with me but said I was likely fluid deficient and sent me home with a Doctor's note and a 3k bill (wooo no insurance). So I worked up the courage to call off (with a nearly 2 hour notice before my shift starts) and not even a couple minutes after I was supposed to be there one of the Managers call me and goes on and on about me calling off put them in a bind and kept asking if I could come in today even if only for a couple hours. Now here is where…

I was horribly sick this morning and for about 4 hours straight I was in and out of the bathroom throwing up, acid reflux, dry heaving, ext.
Last time I was sick like this I went into work anyway and ended up having to go to the ER. They never found what was wrong with me but said I was likely fluid deficient and sent me home with a Doctor's note and a 3k bill (wooo no insurance).
So I worked up the courage to call off (with a nearly 2 hour notice before my shift starts) and not even a couple minutes after I was supposed to be there one of the Managers call me and goes on and on about me calling off put them in a bind and kept asking if I could come in today even if only for a couple hours.
Now here is where I need Advice, what are some possible repercussions I will face for not coming in today. Also I work in a grocery store Deli where we serve hot fried food and cold pre packed foods in addition to slicing lunch meats and cheeses. Are they even allowed to let me work? I called off with signs of food poisoning isn't that against food safety standards?
Apologies for formatting I am on my phone.

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