
I’m finally leaving my POS job in search of a better one but want to take advantage of vacation/sick/accrued PTO etc. How do I go about it?

I finally got screwed for the last time by my current job and as the title says I want to make sure I go out with a bang. I got dressed down and had direct insults hurled my way by someone only a few steps above me over a single mistake I've never made before and wasn't aware was something I couldn't do followed by a write-up which I had never received before in my 3+ years working there I realize that all the extra responsibility handed down to me with no extra pay and my hours being cut down to the bare minimum is no longer worth the benefits. I know enough to know I need to leave by the beginning of the month that way I still have coverage, but beyond that I want to (as the title says) make sure I can take advantage of all that…

I finally got screwed for the last time by my current job and as the title says I want to make sure I go out with a bang. I got dressed down and had direct insults hurled my way by someone only a few steps above me over a single mistake I've never made before and wasn't aware was something I couldn't do followed by a write-up which I had never received before in my 3+ years working there I realize that all the extra responsibility handed down to me with no extra pay and my hours being cut down to the bare minimum is no longer worth the benefits.

I know enough to know I need to leave by the beginning of the month that way I still have coverage, but beyond that I want to (as the title says) make sure I can take advantage of all that I'm owed and then some as a final middle finger on the way out. Heck If I can start it now that way it's still technically the beginning of December by the time they want to push me out that works too.

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