
Nepo Manager is terrorizing me

I have a relatively newer manager that seems to have taken some kind of fixation on tormenting me while on the shift. I work in a movie theater. Managers are typically 35 – 60 years old, this one is barely 21 and thinks she knows what everyone else's job is better than they do. Especially mine.that I've been working for 8 years now. Come later to find out she was cherry picked by daddy (corpo dude) and placed in the vacant manger spot without any experience . Lately we've been renting out auditoriums to shovel in more money to give to corporate, and at the exact same time we are kept deliberately understaffed during the busiest of days. Today we had a rental just after noon. The previews were muted by the family's request. When the movie was about to start, they asked me (usher occupying the halls) to ask…

I have a relatively newer manager that seems to have taken some kind of fixation on tormenting me while on the shift.

I work in a movie theater. Managers are typically 35 – 60 years old, this one is barely 21 and thinks she knows what everyone else's job is better than they do. Especially mine.that I've been working for 8 years now. Come later to find out she was cherry picked by daddy (corpo dude) and placed in the vacant manger spot without any experience .

Lately we've been renting out auditoriums to shovel in more money to give to corporate, and at the exact same time we are kept deliberately understaffed during the busiest of days.

Today we had a rental just after noon. The previews were muted by the family's request. When the movie was about to start, they asked me (usher occupying the halls) to ask my manager to unmute the auditorium. I pass word along to my manager. She says she'll get right on it.

She doesn't unmute the auditorium. The family comes out looking for answers. They find me and dig into me for their issue. Regular occurrence, used to it, just pass it up to management again. Now my calls are being ignored. Auditorium is still unmuted.

I run into said manager walking down the hall away from the auditorium in question. I ask her “Did you unmute number 12 yet?” She gives no answer and just smiles. At this point I realize she's neglecting to do her job (as she is known to do) just to try and piss me off. It almost worked until:

Enter the father who rented the auditorium. He ignores me completely and walks up to the manager and demands that the manager UNMUTE the auditorium. NOW. She says “ok” and walks off. Not in the direction of the stairs that lead up to the projector room tho. She heads right back to her office and hides.

Luckily another manager stepped in and turned the sound on. She keeps doing this whenever I'm on the shift and it's pissing me off.

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