
I walked out from a dispensary because “The Owner doesn’t have to put up with my bullshit” lmao f*ck em

Man idk where to start but saying fck this, been working my ass off for this idiots at a dispensary Called Roundhouse Reserve in New Mexico and damn I’ve never seen people so drunk in power just because “they own the place” this idiot of a human being so called “owner” because he doesn’t own up to anything he does but scking dck Dude shows up late 10 mins after the shop was supposed to be open mad a the staff because the shop isn’t running yet (even tho his personal assistant showed up for him to open the shop for us)then his assistant pointed out that I just smoked (sorry for being epileptic I guess) to what I responded pointing out all the shit he has & hasn’t done as an owner only to hear a “he’s an owner he doesn’t have to put up with your bullshit” Well…

Man idk where to start but saying fck this, been working my ass off for this idiots at a dispensary Called Roundhouse Reserve in New Mexico and damn I’ve never seen people so drunk in power just because “they own the place” this idiot of a human being so called “owner” because he doesn’t own up to anything he does but scking dck
Dude shows up late 10 mins after the shop was supposed to be open mad a the staff because the shop isn’t running yet (even tho his personal assistant showed up for him to open the shop for us)then his assistant pointed out that I just smoked (sorry for being epileptic I guess) to what I responded pointing out all the shit he has & hasn’t done as an owner only to hear a “he’s an owner he doesn’t have to put up with your bullshit”
Well guess what motherf
ckers I don’t need to put up with no ones bullshit and just walked out the shop.
Brothers I come from a family that owns a traditional tortilla shop in what once was the worlds most dangerous city, place used to be compared to active warzones at the time, yet my parents both of them without finishing middle school had the balls and brains to run that shop like the fcking navy till this date
They’ve taught me about work, business, leadership and ownership since I was 11 and started helping out.
And it f
cking boils my blood and baffles me how people here in ameriKkka with college degrees are incompetent to run such a simple business as a pot shop

Dude showed up late more than once
Never stood up for his mistakes as an owner
Till this day its been 2 weeks since they been keeping our tip money
He also had beef w me bc I’m a mexican legal immigrant and wouldn’t let me or my people to be stepped on
And for a fact I know they are selling fake & unregulated products

If anyone could help on how
Should I continue or how can I persur legal action I would really appreciate it.

Anyways thank you for reading this & never forget your worth, specially if you’re not from this shit hole country.

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