
My coworker is terrible but the company won’t get rid of her?

My coworker not only is late ever single day sometimes by 5 minutes sometimes over an hour (never notified supervisors) just doesn't show up for work or leaves early. Every one of my other coworkers have asked to not be put with her because she'll disappear for multiple hours when your supposed to be doing a task together leaving you to do her work or will just sit on her phone expecting the other people to do her half of the work. When she is forced to work she breaks whatever she can leaving everyone with extra work to do or drives the equipment dangerously so everyone has to be extra careful avoiding her not to get hurt. What has management done about this? Legitimately nothing leaves us with more work and low moral and gives her the easy jobs that pay better why tf should we even try to…

My coworker not only is late ever single day sometimes by 5 minutes sometimes over an hour (never notified supervisors) just doesn't show up for work or leaves early. Every one of my other coworkers have asked to not be put with her because she'll disappear for multiple hours when your supposed to be doing a task together leaving you to do her work or will just sit on her phone expecting the other people to do her half of the work. When she is forced to work she breaks whatever she can leaving everyone with extra work to do or drives the equipment dangerously so everyone has to be extra careful avoiding her not to get hurt. What has management done about this? Legitimately nothing leaves us with more work and low moral and gives her the easy jobs that pay better why tf should we even try to be good employees when she's consistently rewarded for being terrible?

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