
Sham employee of the week

So at the current job I work, our department has mid shift meeting where they go over updates and we have to take votes on an employee of the week. I have been working this job for almost 2 years and never once been voted for employee of the week. I realize this is a petty thing to care about but it’s almost as though none of my peers respect me, like I am handicapped and putting up numbers almost similar to what they put up every week while also entering all of their information into the computer for them so they don’t have to while also giving updates on where we are work wise to the boss every couple house for his meetings, but every week it goes to someone else in our department that is always hard working and dependable and I always vote for one of them…

So at the current job I work, our department has mid shift meeting where they go over updates and we have to take votes on an employee of the week. I have been working this job for almost 2 years and never once been voted for employee of the week. I realize this is a petty thing to care about but it’s almost as though none of my peers respect me, like I am handicapped and putting up numbers almost similar to what they put up every week while also entering all of their information into the computer for them so they don’t have to while also giving updates on where we are work wise to the boss every couple house for his meetings, but every week it goes to someone else in our department that is always hard working and dependable and I always vote for one of them because it’s the right thing to do. I am considering just writing my own name down on the paper lmao I mean at the very least I would get called out because even if you don’t get employee of the week you get called out if your names wrote down by someone and I never have been. I got an email yestarday from a rep meeting they had everyone in our department got recognized for their hard work by our employee reps but me. That’s what really kinda felt like a slap in the face like even the employee reps

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