
Why is LinkedIn like Facebook but just work posts ?

I don’t understand . I was referenced to try out LinkedIn to look for jobs and instead of normal job listings I’m coming across people’s pages and posts that get likes ? I just want a job, not another social media account that I’ll eventually abandon .

I don’t understand . I was referenced to try out LinkedIn to look for jobs and instead of normal job listings I’m coming across people’s pages and posts that get likes ? I just want a job, not another social media account that I’ll eventually abandon .

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Why is LinkedIn like Facebook but just work posts ?

I don’t understand . I was referenced to try out LinkedIn to look for jobs and instead of normal job listings I’m coming across people’s pages and posts that get likes ? I just want a job, not another social media account that I’ll eventually abandon .

I don’t understand . I was referenced to try out LinkedIn to look for jobs and instead of normal job listings I’m coming across people’s pages and posts that get likes ? I just want a job, not another social media account that I’ll eventually abandon .

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