
“Work should be an integral part of life..” and other gems Here is one of my favorites; feel free to highlight your own: Many families feel both adults have to work to make the money the family needs, not to mention that when one member of a couple works outside of the home and the other stays home, the one staying home can build up resentment for the one who gets to leave and go to work. But the fact is when both of the parents have to work, the other side of the equation is both have home and parenting duties to attend to as well. That makes it hard for either to fully dedicate themselves to work.

Here is one of my favorites; feel free to highlight your own:
Many families feel both adults have to work to make the money the family needs, not to mention that when one member of a couple works outside of the home and the other stays home, the one staying home can build up resentment for the one who gets to leave and go to work. But the fact is when both of the parents have to work, the other side of the equation is both have home and parenting duties to attend to as well. That makes it hard for either to fully dedicate themselves to work.

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