
Screening Employers by how they respond to the Salary question

Little background, I have a little over a decade experience in my line of work. I had someone tell me (after offering me less than the posting advertised) “sorry we can't match that, we're a not for profit” Response I give them “I don't recall applying for a volunteer position with you” “We don't discuss Salary this early” Response: “I'm trying not to waste both of our times here, would you rather have 3 interviews with me and me declining the offer then? Or would you rather have a 10 minute conversation and move on to someone who would be interested and is a better fit for what you offer?” “We're looking for someone who believes in our mission and values and isn't so focused on money” Response “I'm looking for an Employer that has realistic expectations of the real world. Your “values” won't keep the roof over my head”…

Little background, I have a little over a decade experience in my line of work.

I had someone tell me (after offering me less than the posting advertised) “sorry we can't match that, we're a not for profit” Response I give them “I don't recall applying for a volunteer position with you”

“We don't discuss Salary this early”
Response: “I'm trying not to waste both of our times here, would you rather have 3 interviews with me and me declining the offer then? Or would you rather have a 10 minute conversation and move on to someone who would be interested and is a better fit for what you offer?”

“We're looking for someone who believes in our mission and values and isn't so focused on money”
Response “I'm looking for an Employer that has realistic expectations of the real world. Your “values” won't keep the roof over my head”

An employer approached me directly asking me to apply for a position, not an automated message. I respond back “Thank you for your interest to hire me. What's the pay for the position?”

Also 9 out of 10 jobs if I don't see a salary posted I'm more likely not to apply.

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