
Is it illegal to leave a store unlocked when all employees quit at once?

I’ve seen a few stories lately where all employees have had enough and just leave during business hours and no matter how bad the store is they always make sure to lock up. Maybe I didn’t look hard enough but I couldn’t find a story where they just left it open for anyone to do whatever they wanted. Is that because they could face legal repercussions or is it just one final courtesy even if the employer doesn’t deserve it?

I’ve seen a few stories lately where all employees have had enough and just leave during business hours and no matter how bad the store is they always make sure to lock up. Maybe I didn’t look hard enough but I couldn’t find a story where they just left it open for anyone to do whatever they wanted.

Is that because they could face legal repercussions or is it just one final courtesy even if the employer doesn’t deserve it?

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