
Job offer yanked out from under me at the very last minute.

I was supposed to start training for a new job today. Nothing too exciting, just an entry level hospitality position. But I was actually looking forward to it, the pay was pretty good for an entry level job that doesn't require a degree, and I really need the paycheck. I was counting on it to be able to afford Christmas gifts. The manager send me a text yesterday afternoon saying she was so sorry but “the powers that be” took it out of her hands and hired a transfer from another hotel. The day before I was supposed to start she tells me this. So it appears she didn't really have the authority to offer me the job in the first place. I was obviously shocked and upset. I cried a fair amount yesterday, today I just feel numb. Back to square one, applying to anything I vaguely qualify for…

I was supposed to start training for a new job today. Nothing too exciting, just an entry level hospitality position. But I was actually looking forward to it, the pay was pretty good for an entry level job that doesn't require a degree, and I really need the paycheck. I was counting on it to be able to afford Christmas gifts.

The manager send me a text yesterday afternoon saying she was so sorry but “the powers that be” took it out of her hands and hired a transfer from another hotel. The day before I was supposed to start she tells me this. So it appears she didn't really have the authority to offer me the job in the first place. I was obviously shocked and upset. I cried a fair amount yesterday, today I just feel numb.

Back to square one, applying to anything I vaguely qualify for on indeed. Yay.

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