
People who say they’re “excited” about a work project. What is wrong with them?

My boss just sent an email to everybody saying he was excited about the new project. The new project is just that our part of an internal website will now host some company updates that nobody reads or cares about. It's basically meaningless and I don't think any sane human being would get excited about it. I realize he's just trying to suck up but at least use accurate language like “I'll work really hard to ensure the success of the project” or whatever. But saying he's excited makes me question his competence and his perspective. Will he be “excited” about a new project that requires more work from an already overworked staff? Will he tell us we should be “excited” if the bonuses are less than last year's? Should people who use this type of phrasing undergo some sort of mental evaluation to make sure they're ok? Can we…

My boss just sent an email to everybody saying he was excited about the new project. The new project is just that our part of an internal website will now host some company updates that nobody reads or cares about. It's basically meaningless and I don't think any sane human being would get excited about it. I realize he's just trying to suck up but at least use accurate language like “I'll work really hard to ensure the success of the project” or whatever. But saying he's excited makes me question his competence and his perspective. Will he be “excited” about a new project that requires more work from an already overworked staff? Will he tell us we should be “excited” if the bonuses are less than last year's? Should people who use this type of phrasing undergo some sort of mental evaluation to make sure they're ok? Can we really trust their decisions otherwise? Anyway, I'm “excited” to dialogue with you about this.

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