
company christmas party, but only the managers and sales reps are invited

takes place during the workday, and offsite. us grunt workers are stuck here running the store while our managers are out drinking and golfing. “we booked a store outing next month!” yeah, at a dumpy bowling alley, not during store hours, an hour away from where i live. i may sound privileged given the fact that most companies don't do outings at all, but why have this weird separated event? why cant our event take place during store hours? they're gonna be getting overpaid to show up to a christmas party, while i should be thankful that i have to take hours out of my precious off time to look good for my manager that i don't give a fuck about. he tries to play the “i really do care about you guys” card but i know he doesn't. the moment he gets promoted to district office, that mf is…

takes place during the workday, and offsite. us grunt workers are stuck here running the store while our managers are out drinking and golfing.

“we booked a store outing next month!” yeah, at a dumpy bowling alley, not during store hours, an hour away from where i live. i may sound privileged given the fact that most companies don't do outings at all, but why have this weird separated event? why cant our event take place during store hours?

they're gonna be getting overpaid to show up to a christmas party, while i should be thankful that i have to take hours out of my precious off time to look good for my manager that i don't give a fuck about.

he tries to play the “i really do care about you guys” card but i know he doesn't. the moment he gets promoted to district office, that mf is gonna leave us quicker than an avalanche and never look back.

the longer i stay in the working world, the less i wanna be promoted. seeing how snobby and dickish the entire management team is, it would kill me to know that i turned into one of those things.

id rather be average and a good person, then be rich and a cold prick.

fuck american work culture. i will never have a “real” career and im honestly fine with that.

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