
Need advice on whether I should quit due to boss being a bully

Hi everyone, This is my first time posting to Reddit, so sorry if this is too long. I started a new job in January after moving cities (I live in Australia). During the interview, I noticed a lot of red flags, e.g. the interviewers seemed on edge and a bit anxious, but I pushed my concerns aside because at the time I believed I would be moving to another city and moving on to another job before September. I decided not to relocate and purchased a house in my current city. Unfortunately, my gut feeling was accurate. My boss is an absolute nightmare—extremely temperamental, transitioning from happiness to fits of rage over minor errors. He resorts to insults and profanity, referring to me and a colleague as 'dumb f*cks' two weeks ago, because we didn't share a video he posted on LinkedIn. He demands an obsession with the role and…

Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting to Reddit, so sorry if this is too long.

I started a new job in January after moving cities (I live in Australia). During the interview, I noticed a lot of red flags, e.g. the interviewers seemed on edge and a bit anxious, but I pushed my concerns aside because at the time I believed I would be moving to another city and moving on to another job before September.

I decided not to relocate and purchased a house in my current city. Unfortunately, my gut feeling was accurate. My boss is an absolute nightmare—extremely temperamental, transitioning from happiness to fits of rage over minor errors. He resorts to insults and profanity, referring to me and a colleague as 'dumb f*cks' two weeks ago, because we didn't share a video he posted on LinkedIn.

He demands an obsession with the role and expects overtime, despite our already extensive hours (8:30 am to 5:30 pm). These hours are notably long compared to other admin/corporate positions, especially considering our current salaries. If I wanted to work such long hours, I would have pursued a career with the Big 4 or become an investment banker.

When confronted about his behavior or when employees resign due to these issues, he dismisses concerns by claiming they aren't good enough and fail to recognise their luck in having a job at this company.

What makes this situation harder is that my boss is also the founder, giving him the final say in everything. Additionally, there is no HR, so there is no one to report to other than my direct manager, who essentially has no spine and allows my boss to walk all over him and everyone else. While HR can be useless, I believe their presence can be beneficial for implementing certain practices and ensuring that managers' behaviors align with the law and Fair Work regulations.

I am currently searching for new employment, but so far, I've had no luck. The situation is further complicated by the 4-week notice period required for my current role, while most of the roles I am pursuing require someone with at least a 2-week notice period. My husband is friends with his boss, who has suggested I work casually as a Retail Assistant with his company for 4-5 days a week until I find new employment. Initially, I declined due to concerns about explaining my early departure in interviews, but I genuinely feel I am at a breaking point.

I have been diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Depression, and Borderline Personality Disorder, and I strongly believe that my boss's actions are negatively impacting my mental and physical health.

In summary, my boss is a massive bully, and I would appreciate advice on whether I should accept casual employment for 4-5 days a week with my husband's workplace while I continue my search for another role.

Thanks everyone 🙂

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