
Called out Sick on my 3rd day on the job…terrified of getting fired.

Long story short, I overslept Wednesday morning for work about an hour and a half late to work. I'm supposed to clock in at 8 and clocked in around 9:30a. I overslept bc I took cbd the night before and it knocked me out – phone died / alarm died. My manager was calling my personal phone too telling me to call him. I clock into the work chat and send an apologetic message to my manager for oversleeping, he got me on a call and demanded I turn on my camera – but didn't want to because I knew I looked too out of it – I told him I wasn't feeling hot and would need to take a sick day. He mentioned something along the lines of “my apologies isn't going to cut it around here, we're going to need to see actions” he just kept going in…

Long story short, I overslept Wednesday morning for work about an hour and a half late to work. I'm supposed to clock in at 8 and clocked in around 9:30a. I overslept bc I took cbd the night before and it knocked me out – phone died / alarm died. My manager was calling my personal phone too telling me to call him. I clock into the work chat and send an apologetic message to my manager for oversleeping, he got me on a call and demanded I turn on my camera – but didn't want to because I knew I looked too out of it – I told him I wasn't feeling hot and would need to take a sick day. He mentioned something along the lines of “my apologies isn't going to cut it around here, we're going to need to see actions” he just kept going in on me – deservingly so. He then said “well, if you need to take the day, go ahead & we'll see how we move forward Monday” He still wished me a happy holiday, I did the same to him. It's been a couple of days since since I got Thanksgiving & Black Friday off paid – I'm just dreading monday, I'm planning on apologizing and owning up to my mistake of oversleeping. But I've also decided to stick with my “I'm sick” story” hoping he has mercy on me and allows me to continue my job – I really need this job. But I am also ready to accept the consequences of my actions.

Would love everyone's opinion on this. Many thanks

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