
Got let go w/o a solid reason

So I just started working for a company and just finished training last week,I did great was always involved,asking & answering,trainer said I was great compared to a lot of other ppl that started along with me. There’s still people that are asking basic questions and we’re out training like one girl just bullshits on the job forsure it’s wfh and I can tell. Anyways I get a call today I didn’t finish a “test” we took during training and was let go?! I was very confused cause I finished all the test and passed them but this one test got me fired that I was unaware of from the trainer till right now?!! I’m doing the best out of the other people I started with,my numbers are high and I follow directions and I get fired over this?!!!! I am fucking fuming right now. While the girl still asking…

So I just started working for a company and just finished training last week,I did great was always involved,asking & answering,trainer said I was great compared to a lot of other ppl that started along with me. There’s still people that are asking basic questions and we’re out training like one girl just bullshits on the job forsure it’s wfh and I can tell. Anyways I get a call today I didn’t finish a “test” we took during training and was let go?! I was very confused cause I finished all the test and passed them but this one test got me fired that I was unaware of from the trainer till right now?!!
I’m doing the best out of the other people I started with,my numbers are high and I follow directions and I get fired over this?!!!! I am fucking fuming right now. While the girl still asking questions we learned from week 1 still there. I barely been there a month,some manger is trying to talk to another to not let this happen but it’s completely bullshit I get called after lunch that I’m fired and what for? A assessment I didn’t know I missed and wasn’t aware of missing. Sorry long rant I finally got a chance to stop crying

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