
Your thoughts on Yellow trucking being rescued?

So I thought I’d ask about everyone thoughts about the trucking company Yellow (YRC) potentially being rescued? I have several family members that started working for Roadway in the 80s-90s and of course roadway got bought out by Yellow. They of course were laid off in the summer when Yellow closed the doors. (One uncle still has keys to about 30+ trucks that they never asked for back)They’ve been lucky on finding new jobs that they actually love and each of them are less than 5 years from retirement. They’ve each gotten a call from their old boss asking them about coming back and thankfully they told them to (polite terms) go away. Just wondered what everyone’s thoughts about it might be? I know there is tons of former YRC employees that haven’t been able to find a new job and I know their union screwed them over but at…

So I thought I’d ask about everyone thoughts about the trucking company Yellow (YRC) potentially being rescued?

I have several family members that started working for Roadway in the 80s-90s and of course roadway got bought out by Yellow. They of course were laid off in the summer when Yellow closed the doors. (One uncle still has keys to about 30+ trucks that they never asked for back)They’ve been lucky on finding new jobs that they actually love and each of them are less than 5 years from retirement. They’ve each gotten a call from their old boss asking them about coming back and thankfully they told them to (polite terms) go away.

Just wondered what everyone’s thoughts about it might be? I know there is tons of former YRC employees that haven’t been able to find a new job and I know their union screwed them over but at the same time should this awful company be rescued? Return some of these jobs? What’s the alternative, let these guys that haven’t found new jobs continue to struggle?

Just a side note: I’m a HUGE supporter of unions but they sold out their employees every time a new contract came around. We need unions that actually fight for employees and do right by them.

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