
Manager Excludes Me From All Meetings After Placing Me On PIP

I was put on PIP and took a short FMLA leave. Now i'm back and my manager said I don't need to attend any team meetings and has given me a project that is clearly above my job level with impossible deadlines (I have never done a similar task before and my manager is on vacation so im not sure if he can explain it to me, it's due before he's back) What are my options besides obviously failing the PIP and getting fired? Edit: he said because I'm back only part-time (i'm still on intermittent leave) he has modified my work that I don't engage in any team meetings. I'm guessing he has consulted with the company HR before doing this so it must be legal right?

I was put on PIP and took a short FMLA leave. Now i'm back and my manager said I don't need to attend any team meetings and has given me a project that is clearly above my job level with impossible deadlines (I have never done a similar task before and my manager is on vacation so im not sure if he can explain it to me, it's due before he's back)

What are my options besides obviously failing the PIP and getting fired?

Edit: he said because I'm back only part-time (i'm still on intermittent leave) he has modified my work that I don't engage in any team meetings. I'm guessing he has consulted with the company HR before doing this so it must be legal right?

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