
Screw companies all over the world that do not give fully paid maternity and paternity leave for a full year (or atleast for minimum 6 months!)

They really make women jump out of the nursing beds straight into work! Sleep deprived parents who struggle to keep up with work and also just feel pain ol seperation anxiety as well as pain of missing spending time with baby, I hear you! Screw companies that in a way twist our arms to come back through sucha major life event. UK govt. for example gives one year of parental leave but then again companies get to decide how many months they pay you for it and it really sucks! I personally feel so torn between joining work and spending every moment with my little one. I really needed more of paid leave to enjoy and adjust into this new phase.

They really make women jump out of the nursing beds straight into work!

Sleep deprived parents who struggle to keep up with work and also just feel pain ol seperation anxiety as well as pain of missing spending time with baby, I hear you!

Screw companies that in a way twist our arms to come back through sucha major life event.

UK govt. for example gives one year of parental leave but then again companies get to decide how many months they pay you for it and it really sucks!

I personally feel so torn between joining work and spending every moment with my little one. I really needed more of paid leave to enjoy and adjust into this new phase.

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