
I am dead inside

This is nothing more than a depressing rant. I’m 27F working as an admin assistant at a University. I have been doing admin work for 4 years now, and I can’t lie to myself anymore, I hate it so much. My boss is great, but I absolutely hate what I’m supposed to do every day. Each task is so painful and unsatisfying. Nothing is ever clean and tidy and complete. I don’t feel any kind of fulfillment or pride in what I do, I don’t feel like I’m doing a good job. It’s so hard for me to care. My body is ruined from hunching over a computer 40 hours a week. I try my best to get some movement in my day but it’s not enough, and by the time I’m off work, I have no energy left – y’all know the drill – just enough time to cook…

This is nothing more than a depressing rant.

I’m 27F working as an admin assistant at a University. I have been doing admin work for 4 years now, and I can’t lie to myself anymore, I hate it so much. My boss is great, but I absolutely hate what I’m supposed to do every day. Each task is so painful and unsatisfying. Nothing is ever clean and tidy and complete. I don’t feel any kind of fulfillment or pride in what I do, I don’t feel like I’m doing a good job. It’s so hard for me to care. My body is ruined from hunching over a computer 40 hours a week. I try my best to get some movement in my day but it’s not enough, and by the time I’m off work, I have no energy left – y’all know the drill – just enough time to cook something meager, clean it up, and get ready for the next day at work. My soul is crushed. And I’m still poor as shit. I feel stuck in this role with no room for advancement, and only have another 35 years minimum of the same thing to look forward to.

I do want to work, actually. I just need to feel like my labor has a purpose. I have worked in nursing homes before and prefer that environment, I brought smiles to the faces of people in late-stages of life who needed me the most. I couldn’t afford to keep working there, though, as our society doesn’t value caregiving as a career. Maybe those experiences have made it harder for me to care about the little things in my current job…

I know not everyone can love their job, but maybe y’all could share things that help you get over the daily darkness of working your life away for pennies?

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