
I think I’m having an ethical dilemma

I recently started a new job. Everything about it sounded great beforehand; It’s closer to home than my previous job, the pay is a little better, and it’s the kind of place that looks nice on a resume. Fast forward to a month in and I realize that it’s extremely stressful. I’m constantly receiving phone calls and dealing with aggressive clients who demand that their issues be addressed *yesterday, and issues that largely stem from disjointed communication between departments. A recruiter reached out to me with a new position at a different company. This one promises to pay much better and sounds like it’ll be overall less stressful BUT I have to go through three rounds of interviews for it. I can only squeeze these interviews in during my shift since it’s in the middle of the day so I’ve been doing them during my lunch breaks and I think…

I recently started a new job. Everything about it sounded great beforehand; It’s closer to home than my previous job, the pay is a little better, and it’s the kind of place that looks nice on a resume. Fast forward to a month in and I realize that it’s extremely stressful. I’m constantly receiving phone calls and dealing with aggressive clients who demand that their issues be addressed *yesterday, and issues that largely stem from disjointed communication between departments.

A recruiter reached out to me with a new position at a different company. This one promises to pay much better and sounds like it’ll be overall less stressful BUT I have to go through three rounds of interviews for it.

I can only squeeze these interviews in during my shift since it’s in the middle of the day so I’ve been doing them during my lunch breaks and I think my coworkers are starting to suspect something.

I feel bad for trying to cut and run but at the same time, one of my coworkers assured me that things there will get better in six months once they institute some new systems and I don’t know if I can take six more months of this. I was mainly hired so that another coworker would be able to stop pulling double shifts to cover the timeslot.

I know that what happens to someone else during their shift at a company they’ve been working with for longer than I have isn’t my responsibility at the end of the day, but I also still feel bad for the guy and the rest of my coworkers who took the time to train me and answer my questions.

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