
Unemployed – I thought I had problems…

2 nights ago a young woman I used to work with was driving on the highway on the way home with her husband, brother, and 2 year old daughter. Not sure exactly what happened but the car veered off the highway, started spinning, and hit a tree. Everyone killed except the woman I worked with (the mother/wife/sister). She’s currently in the hospital but stable. I’m so heartbroken for her. I remember when she was pregnant and how happy she was. How do you even deal with that? It just makes the things I’ve been complaining about seem so stupid. One thing this tragedy has shown is how good people are. Our community has raised a lot of money in short period of time. Despite the fact that a lot of people are struggling right now. Life is good. I’m counting my blessings.

2 nights ago a young woman I used to work with was driving on the highway on the way home with her husband, brother, and 2 year old daughter. Not sure exactly what happened but the car veered off the highway, started spinning, and hit a tree. Everyone killed except the woman I worked with (the mother/wife/sister). She’s currently in the hospital but stable. I’m so heartbroken for her. I remember when she was pregnant and how happy she was. How do you even deal with that? It just makes the things I’ve been complaining about seem so stupid. One thing this tragedy has shown is how good people are. Our community has raised a lot of money in short period of time. Despite the fact that a lot of people are struggling right now. Life is good. I’m counting my blessings.

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