
The amount of time I spend online with my coworkers is perfectly adequate without meeting in person

You hired me to work remotely and come in to the office ONCE a month (which was already a concession for me). Now you want me to get on a plane and then a train to go meet the company’s executives? Let me be blunt: absolutely fuck off. I am an introvert and a bit of a germaphobe (I have a genetic disease which makes me immunocompromised), so no, I don’t want to meet you in-person. I don’t want to stay in a shitty hotel and eat garbage food so I can stroke your ego and pretend I’m engaged and that I give a damn. I’m less productive, more tired, and less comfortable than I would be at home. Leave me the fuck alone. My online relationship with my coworkers is perfectly adequate and I’d be more inclined to actually learn and engage with you virtually rather than feeling like…

You hired me to work remotely and come in to the office ONCE a month (which was already a concession for me). Now you want me to get on a plane and then a train to go meet the company’s executives? Let me be blunt: absolutely fuck off.

I am an introvert and a bit of a germaphobe (I have a genetic disease which makes me immunocompromised), so no, I don’t want to meet you in-person. I don’t want to stay in a shitty hotel and eat garbage food so I can stroke your ego and pretend I’m engaged and that I give a damn. I’m less productive, more tired, and less comfortable than I would be at home. Leave me the fuck alone. My online relationship with my coworkers is perfectly adequate and I’d be more inclined to actually learn and engage with you virtually rather than feeling like I’m being held hostage in-person. I don’t feel any need at present to expand my network and go to an in-person event to speak with people I will never, ever interact with on a day-to-day basis.

Rant over.

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