
Not being paid overtime and need help

My boyfriend has been working at a local pizzeria in NJ for 6 months now as an hourly worker. His boss was short staffed back in August so he promoted my boyfriend as manager and paid him $16/hr. He has worked more than 40 hours, usually around 60-70 hours per week, without receiving overtime pay. I looked at his paychecks and his boss doesn't put the hours on his checks but instead writes him down as a salaried worker when he isn't. I told him to confront his boss about it, and his boss admits that he purposely doesn't put his hours on his checks because “he is the manager and he always puts the manager as salary”, and he also admits he doesn't want to pay overtime. I don't know what else to tell my boyfriend to do other than quit because his boss will never give him overtime…

My boyfriend has been working at a local pizzeria in NJ for 6 months now as an hourly worker. His boss was short staffed back in August so he promoted my boyfriend as manager and paid him $16/hr. He has worked more than 40 hours, usually around 60-70 hours per week, without receiving overtime pay. I looked at his paychecks and his boss doesn't put the hours on his checks but instead writes him down as a salaried worker when he isn't.

I told him to confront his boss about it, and his boss admits that he purposely doesn't put his hours on his checks because “he is the manager and he always puts the manager as salary”, and he also admits he doesn't want to pay overtime. I don't know what else to tell my boyfriend to do other than quit because his boss will never give him overtime pay. I'm hoping someone on this subreddit has any suggestions or experienced this before and can offer advice. We would greatly appreciate any advice!

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