
I need a good dose of /r/antiwork wisdom. I like a lot about my current job, but when I get frustrated by bad management, I cope by job hunting. Applied to one. Got two offers (multiple positions). Stay with my *team*? Leave for better pay and possible similar situation?

I've been clear with my manager about work issues, from distribution (incompetence is coddled, competence is rewarded with more work) to hard walls being put up by knee-jerk upper management (that make my job much more labor intensive and just stupid). In one of my rage-job-searches, I found an intriguing job: very similar to what I do now. Same overall employer (state gov/union job). Easy move (FT WFH to FT WFH, I just change computers and go thru a new orientation). Higher pay scale, so immediate raise and then another in a year. New manager, new team (new issues), same work, better pay. Hmm. I applied. Got an offer, team works on a 'book of business' that is not my cup o' tea). Turned it down with a carefully worded letter of regret. Hiring manager asked if I'd consider the same position but with a different team, book of business.…

I've been clear with my manager about work issues, from distribution (incompetence is coddled, competence is rewarded with more work) to hard walls being put up by knee-jerk upper management (that make my job much more labor intensive and just stupid).

In one of my rage-job-searches, I found an intriguing job: very similar to what I do now. Same overall employer (state gov/union job). Easy move (FT WFH to FT WFH, I just change computers and go thru a new orientation). Higher pay scale, so immediate raise and then another in a year. New manager, new team (new issues), same work, better pay. Hmm. I applied.

Got an offer, team works on a 'book of business' that is not my cup o' tea). Turned it down with a carefully worded letter of regret. Hiring manager asked if I'd consider the same position but with a different team, book of business. Sure, why not. Am now fielding second offer. Workload is the about the same but sounds less complex– the whole team has four complex projects… whereas at my current job, I am working on three complex projects, by myself.

WTF is wrong with me that I am thinking, 'but my (current) team has so much work! How can I leave them in a lurch?' And 'but I was going to mentor our new team members!' ?!?!?

I should be thinking 'I have raised several issues repeatedly and tried to streamline work to make it easier and less insane, and been stonewalled because upper management is afraid of …' Plus other issues, I'm stagnating, we are short-staffed and we need hires to be faster.

I love my team. But I have to remember, they are my WORK team. They aren't going to help me save for retirement or pay my bills. Some of them are the aforementioned incompetence coddled.

Intellectually, I know it's the right move. Emotionally, this is fucking killing me to leave.

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