
Had multiple interviews questioning if I even want it anymore

Applied for a job had 3 interviews can't seem to schedule the final step? Did I just not get the job? I had a phone interview which went well. Had an in person interview which went well. I was told they will schedule a final meeting with the president to discuss compensation. The first attempt at this meeting they asked my availability which I told them was any time Thursdays or Fridays. They came back asking if I could do a Tuesday interview to which I said if there's a time Thursday or Friday that works that would be better for me but if not I'll make Tuesday work. They said they'd let me know. Didn't get an answer all week until Thursday she said we'd have to try for next week. I said ok and we had a time set for Friday the following week. Thursday rolls around and…

Applied for a job had 3 interviews can't seem to schedule the final step?

Did I just not get the job? I had a phone interview which went well. Had an in person interview which went well. I was told they will schedule a final meeting with the president to discuss compensation.

The first attempt at this meeting they asked my availability which I told them was any time Thursdays or Fridays. They came back asking if I could do a Tuesday interview to which I said if there's a time Thursday or Friday that works that would be better for me but if not I'll make Tuesday work. They said they'd let me know. Didn't get an answer all week until Thursday she said we'd have to try for next week. I said ok and we had a time set for Friday the following week.

Thursday rolls around and unfortunately he can't make it tomorrow and they ask if I can do Wednesday the following week at 2. I really couldn't as I was working that day but I took a long lunch to go since it was seeming hard to get a time dialed in.

I get to the office 20 minutes early and they say they'll be with me shortly. A few minutes later a guy tells me he's sorry but the president isn't available and asked him to interview me.

Interview goes well and he says they'll contact me next week (which is the current week we're in) to discuss next steps. It's now Thursday and I haven't heard from anyone. I reached out to the first person I saw face to face as that's who I communicated with the most and haven't heard anything (that was Tuesday). During all this I caught the name of their recruiter so this morning I called asking for him. They took my number down and said he'd be reaching out.

What do I do from here? Do I keep trying to follow up? It sounded like I was pretty well hired but I just can't seem to pin this guy down to finalize it. Do they not want to move forward and I'm just not getting the hint? Am I being impatient? Or did they forget about me and waste my time? Do I even still want to work for them?

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